Saturday, July 11, 2020

View's of Goomeri probably early 1930s

Jill Freshwater states, I love this old photo. The old Methodist church can be seen almost in the centre of the picture. to its right is Koffal's house further right is our (George Klumpp's)  house. Across the road is Bandidt's house to the extreme right is my grandparent's (Fred Klumpp) first Goomeri home, Rose Lynn, across Chippendale Creek on the left is my great grandparent's home (Fred Klumpp Sen)

Image credit Jill Freshwater 

Looking down over the railway yards. The Hall of Memory stands out.

Image credit Jill Freshwater 

Going towards Murgon with the show grounds on the left and houses facing Laird St

Image credit Jill Freshwater 

Mrs Gannon's house and Sadler's house as Laird St branches off from 
the road to Murgon with the Police house and station to the left.

Image credit Jill Freshwater

Looking down at the town from the hill at the back of MacTaggart St. McIvor's Store can be seen as Jones St branches off from the Main Road. The two old hotels are on the road going out to Kinbombi. (can't date the photo accurately but it has to be before 1939 as the pub was there.  Probably early 1930s)

Image credit Jill Freshwater

Looking down the back of MacTaggart St. The school can be seen in the centre of the photo. The big house in the centre of the photo was originally Kimber's house and later Youngs lived there. It has since been pulled down. Maudsley's farmhouse (with its white fence) can be seen in the distance going out along the Boonaravale Road

Image credit Jill Freshwater

Image credit Jill Freshwater 

This photo was taken from the hill going out of town towards Boonara. The first house over Chippendale Creek was my grandparents old home Rose Lynn which was later pulled down and taken to Tansey to build the Victory Hall. Going further along on that side of the Road is Bandidt's house. Across the road opposite Rose Lynn is the second house my Grandfather built for the family( it was later lived in for many years by Naylors) if you follow that around is my old home (opposite Bandidt's) with the old Methodist church a little further down standing out on its own a little bit. (Jill Klumpp)

Image credit Jill Freshwater

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Annie Elizabeth Beer, Woman Pioneer of Goomeri

Unravelling history is taking a journey back in time. We would like to thank Heather McIvor who offered her research knowledge of the...