Sunday, May 10, 2020

Ragtime in Goomeri 1916

Ragtime in Goomeri 1916
Image Credit: State Library Qld 

Goomeri Library Community Centre and State Emergency Service Headquarters 1989

Goomeri Library Community Centre and 
State Emergency Service Headquarters 1989
Image Credit: State Library Qld 

Beeabah Station near Goomeri Queensland

Beeabah Station near Goomeri Queensland
Image Credit: State Library Qld 

Debutantes Ball at the Hall of Memory Goomeri 1930s

Debutantes Ball at the Hall of Memory Goomeri 1930s
Image Credit: State Library Qld 

Farm scene in Goomeri 1920s

Farm scene in Goomeri 1920s
Image Credit: State Library Qld 

Peace celebrations at a lagoon near Goomeri 1918

Peace celebrations at a lagoon near Goomeri 1918
Image Credit: State Library Qld 

Steam engine pulling three timber jinkers for Ross & Co

Steam engine pulling three timber jinkers for Ross & Co
Image Credit: State Library Qld 

Bullock drawn timber jinker crossing Sandy Bridge Goomeri

Bullock drawn timber jinker crossing Sandy Bridge Goomeri area
Image Credit: State Library Qld 

Goomeri Light Horse Queensland

Goomeri Light Horse Queensland
Image Credit: State Library Qld 

Boys taking part in a three-legged race near St
Image Credit: State Library Qld 

Cotton growing on a Goomeri property Queensland

Cotton growing on a Goomeri property Queensland
Image Credit: State Library Qld 

Uniting Church at Goomeri 1989

Uniting Church at Goomeri 1989
Image Credit: State Library Qld 

Hall of Memory Goomeri 1989

Hall of Memory Goomeri 1989
Image Credit: State Library Qld 

Undaban Station building Goomeri District 1930s

Undaban station in the Goomeri district Queensland
Image Credit: State Library Qld 

Undaban Station building Goomeri District 1930s
Image Credit: State Library Qld 

Farm building on the Undaban Station Goomeri district 1930s

War Memorial Clock in Goomeri 1989

Heritage-listed War Memorial Clock in Goomeri 1989
Image Credit: State Library Qld 

Aerial view of Goomeri

Aerial view of Goomeri
Image Credit: State Library Qld 

Burnett District Boys at Codford Camp, Salisbury Plain - December 29 1917

Burnett District Boys at Codford Camp, Salisbury Plain
This is from a magazine 'The Queensland Pictorial' December 29 1917
Seated: R - Burgler E. Horne of (Goomeri)
Stand: 3rd from L - Privates H. A. Stockill and W. Toots of (Goomeri)

Image Credit: State Library of Queensland

Goomeri Petrol Station & Garage

Goomeri Petrol Station & Garage
Image credit: Goomeri History Qld

Boonara Jubilee 1911 to 1936

Boonara Jubilee 1911 to 1936
Goomeri Show Grounds
Image Credit: State Library of Queensland

Goomeri Sales Yards July 26 1948

Sealy Perrett, Sale of Bullocks from a Bullock team 
- Goomeri Sales Yards, July 26 1948
Image credit: Goomeri History Qld

Dave McDonald - ATLANTIC Garage

Dave McDonald - ATLANTIC Garage 
Image credit: Goomeri History Qld

Pam Euler, Goomeri

Pam Euler, no other details
Image credit: Goomeri History Qld

John Seers, Boonara Station

John Seers, Boonara Station
Image credit: Goomeri History Qld

Wedding Goomeri

Wedding no date Goomeri 
Image credit: Goomeri History Qld

Maids of Honour - Masonic Debutants Ball early 1980s's Fiona Glasgow in the centre

Maids of Honour - Masonic Debutants Ball early 1980s's
Fiona Glasgow in the centre
Image credit: Goomeri History Qld

George Harris - Cream Run in 1948

George Harris - Cream Run in 1948
Image credit: Goomeri History Qld

The Grand Hotel Goomeri 1989

The Grand Hotel 1989 
Image credit: Goomeri History Qld

Boonara Hotel Goomeri

Image credit: State Library of Qld
Boonara Hotel, Goomeri

From “A Walking Tour of Goomeri - 1930’ 
by Fraser Campbell as told to Judith Bandit

The Boonara Hotel incorporated a hairdresser’s shop (salon) and billiards (not snooker) room, both of which were run by Ernie Eisentreger, assisted by his wife, Eileen. Ernie at an earlier time had had extensive experience in ballroom dancing a very popular pastime in those days. Is wife and dancing partner, Eileen, believed as did Ernie, that all children should be given the opportunity to learn to dance properly - not just to learn group dances such as the Lancers (a sort of quadrille). 

To this end, the Eisentregers started dancing classes to which I think every child was invited. We do not think there was any charge for the lessons and they were well, attended. Apart from the requirements of the “Grand March’, we were taught to dance the waltz, the gipsy tap (we think), the Canadian barn dance, the military two-step, the Valetta and the maxina. 

This knowledge remains with me (Frazer) to this day. The training given me by the Eisentregers stood me in good stead in succeeding years when I learned a number of more modern dance steps.

The only stories we remember of what went on in the hotel as recounted by my father, seem to be snake stories. Betty recalls a story about Hugh Moore of Barambah Station offering bar patrons cigarettes from a box which when opened released a small grass (green) snake. 

Then there was the occasion when Les Hall, for a bet, placed the head of a four-foot black snake in his mouth. Les claimed that provided a snake could not open its mouth it was impossible for the snake to bite a person or animal. Moreover, immobilising the snake’s head in this manner precluded it from raising its head to strike.

Les Hall was also erupted to have held off an attacking snake obviously there was no 12 gauge at hand - by striking the snake’s head with the flat palm of his hand when it raised its head to strike. The snake is thrown off balance and must start all over again. The episode above may well sound like ‘snake oil’ but there is no reason to doubt it. In any case, it does not make a bad story although its connection to the Boonara Hotel is indeed tenuous. 

Annie Elizabeth Beer, Woman Pioneer of Goomeri

Unravelling history is taking a journey back in time. We would like to thank Heather McIvor who offered her research knowledge of the...