Thursday, June 11, 2020

Goomeri Qld, Landscape image - Set 1 of 4 Sets - 1924?

 Goomeri Qld, Landscape image - Set 1 of 4 Sets - 1924?

Goomeri Qld, Landscape image - Set 2 of 4 Sets - 1924?

Goomeri Qld, Landscape image - Set 2 of 4 Sets - 1924?

Landscape images below are credited 
to Janet Morris and Kilkivan Historical Society Qld

Goomeri Qld, Landscape image - Set 3 of 4 Sets - 1924?

Goomeri Qld, Landscape image - Set 3 of 4 Sets - 1924?

Landscape images are credited to 
Janet Morris and Kilkivan Historical Society Qld

Goomeri Qld, Landscape image - Set 4 of 4 Sets - 1924?

Goomeri Qld, Landscape image - Set 4 of 4 Sets - 1924?

Landscape images are credited to 
Janet Morris and Kilkivan Historical Society Qld

Goomeri State School - 1956 CLASS PHOTO

Image Credit, Jill Freshwater


Back Row: Mr Sharp, Graham Harris, Danny D’Arcy,
Darryl Schneider, Terry Pascoe, Donnie Plant, 
Earle Mollenhauer, Lionel Downing, Robert Anderton.

3 rd Row: Margaret Finnemore, Shirley Horne,
Kristine Passmore, Diane Christoffel, Barbara McIvor, 
Carol Lowndes, Colleen Frohloff, Jennifer Love, 
Judith Sharp, Cecily Chamberlayne, John Briant, Pam Siemson.

2 nd Row: Joanne Perrett, Rhonda Paroz, Noela Peters,
Shirley Dickenson, Heather Wood, Anne Perrett, 
Audrey Gurski, Joyce Hancock.

Front Row: Neville Kerkow, Ian Elliott, Denis Sipple,
Kerry Brown, John Moffatt, John Donas, Don Perrett, 
Peter Donas, Denis Banks, Denis Vine.

Teacher: Mrs Klumpp (not in photo)

Goomeri State School - YEAR AND CLASS UNKNOWN

Image Credit, Jill Freshwater


Back Row: Barry Coop, Glen Grohn, Warwick Henningson, 
Paddy McGrath, Len Parke, Raymond Eisenmonger, Ross Mollenhauer.

Middle Row: Elizabeth Moffett, Jacqueline Passmore, 
Doreen Hancock, Marlene Denning, 
Audrey Downing, Lorraine Peters, Desma Davis.

Front Row: Ian Wieland, Morris Walker, Claudia Love, 
Violet Brooker, Margaret Crowe, Fay Niesler, 
Des Love, Cecil Eisenmonger.

Absent: Don Nissen, Carol Sippell, Kevin Woods.

Teacher: Mrs. Klumpp (not in photo)

Goomeri State School - GRADE 4 (?) 1957

Image Credit, Jill Freshwater

GRADE 4 (?) 1957

Back Row: Eddie Banks, Charles Jeppesen, Robert VanEck, 
Russell Seears, Peter McDonald, Jimmy Litherland, Dennis Howley.

3 rd Row: Ailsa Perrett, Doris Downing, Terri Gehrman, 
Narelle Henningson, Vicki Raymond, Joan Pearce, Jan Schiplock.

2 nd Row: Jan McDonald, Pam Jensen, Lynne Perrett, 
Jan Stone, Pam Smith, Helen Bishop, Diane Greensill, Dawn Greensill.

Front Row: Ray Brunjes, Ian Walker, Kees 
Kleytonburg, Brian Trudgian, John Richter.

Absent: Michael Replick, Jan Bourke, Margaret Woods.

Teacher: Mrs. Klumpp (not in photo)

Goomeri State School - Grade 1 1958

Image Credit, Jill Freshwater

Grade 1 1958

Back Row: David Williamson, Russell Smith, Robert Jenkinson, 
Terry Pascoe, Wayne Young, Peter Gerhman, 
Robert McIvor, Malcolm Irwin, Dennis Cotter.

Middle Row: Jenny Hope, Margaret Jeppesen, 
Robyn Anderson, Lorene Passmore, Margaret Bryant, 
Lois Christoffel, Lorraine Sadler, Sheryl Ramsden.

Front Row: Golda Josefski, Phillip King, 
Carol Richter, Margaret King. 

Teacher: Mrs Klumpp (not in photo)

Goomeri State School 75th Reunion 1987

Image Credit, Jill Freshwater

Back Row: Morva Tallon, Bevin Bliesner, Beverley Nissen.
3rd Row: Daphne Bliesner, Wilma Ravey, Jill Klumpp.
2nd Row: Elaine Schipplock, (Ruth Taylor), Betty Sadler.
Front: Marlene kirk.

Goomeri State School photograph - GRADE 5 1958

Image Credit, Jill Freshwater

GRADE 5 1958

Back Row: Des Love, Ross Mollenhauer, Rodney Shannon, 
Arthur Banks, Peter McDonald, Jimmy Litherland, 
Cecil Eisenmonger, John Breen, Russell Seears, Barry Coop, Trevor Rachow.

Middle Row: Jan Schipplock, Doreen Hancock, Narelle Henningson, 
Pam Smith, Terri Gerhmann, Margaret White, Jan MacDonald, 
Joan Pearce, Margaret Woods, Diane Greensill, Vicki Raymond, 
Dawn Greensill, Ailsa Perrett, Rosanne Smyth.

Front Row: Ian Walker, Robert Ramsden, John Richter, 
Peter Rogash, Brian Trudgian, Lynne Perrett, Colleen Angel.

Teacher: Jill Klumpp

Goomeri State School photograph - GRADES 7 & 8 1954

Image Credit, Jill Freshwater

GRADES 7 & 8 1954

Back Row: Kevin Brown, Bevan Schipplock, 
Morris Wieland, Ian Angel, Ron Firth.

Middle Row: Mr. Doug Shanks, Graham Keir, Les Duffy, 
Richard Pascoe, Bill Bandidt, Alan Kerridge, Victor Denning.

Front Row: Richard Grohn, Rose Banks, Beverley Hayden,
Annette Pascoe, Shirley McIntosh, Kay Raymond, Sandra Hetheringon.

Goomeri State School photograph - GRADES 6 & 7 CLASS PHOTO 1951

Image Credit, Jill Freshwater


Back Row: Geoff Zerner, Noel Angel, 
Barry Blunt, John Zerner, Bevin Bliesner.

Middle Row: Graham Gordon, Gail D’Arcy, Ali Duffy, 

Mr. Black, Wilma Ravey, Beverley Nissen, Brian Pascoe.

Front Row: Lola Walker, Ruth Taylor, Marlene Kirk, 

Shirley Mizen, Barbara Bushell, Morva Tallon, Nicole Pearce

Absent: Jill Klumpp

Annie Elizabeth Beer, Woman Pioneer of Goomeri

Unravelling history is taking a journey back in time. We would like to thank Heather McIvor who offered her research knowledge of the...